The journey fortunately ends when their boat reaches the Mexico coast. A strong will to overcome the deadly perils, a faith in life and inexhaustible optimism leaded him to long journey adrift by the Pacific Ocean. The boy has managed to survive in this uneasy situation for 227 days. All of them take a shelter on one small lifeboat. Soon after the leaving India, a shipwreck has killed all the people and animals except for little boy and four animals including furious tiger. At one day they decided to migrate in Canada with all of their animals and boarded the Japanese freighter. The boy named Pi was raised in Indian family owning a zoo. That’s why, despite the unbelievable storyline, the situations and solutions described in the movie could really take place in real life.

Yann Martel have explored and studied lots of facts about an ocean life to give credence to story. Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee and based on the Booker award-winning novel of Yann Martel, which was rewritten by David Magee for the movie, telling as a story about Indian boy survived shipwreck alongside with hyena, orangutan, a wounded zebra and a beautiful White Bengal tiger.